Monday, February 20, 2006

School, Life Lessons, and Taking Stock

The sun's shining, daytime highs have finally risen above zero, and E's doing so well, she's starting back to school tomorrow.

Tomorrow! Can you believe it? Less than two weeks after brain surgery, and she's good to go.

The plan is to send E to class part-time for the rest of the week. We're targeting mornings, probably only a couple or three hours at a stretch since she tires easily these days. Next week, we'll ease into longer days.

In anticipation of E's return to school, I've been doing my part to reclaim a regular writing schedule. This blog's been a lifesaver of sorts by forcing me to focus, and giving me permission to exercise my brain cells on a regular basis. I've also been taking stock of the notes I've made in the last six months on new and existing projects, prioritizing what to work on next.

First up, prepping for my March SCBWI presentation about endowed objects and their ability to reveal heart on the stage of a story. The topic's dear to my heart, based on my Vermont College critical thesis, and graduate lecture.

My bag of props is good to go, but my notecards need to be reordered and edited. Thank goodness I have a couple of weeks.

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