Friday, January 18, 2008

Illness and Vampires in the Zone

E's been sick all week, but is finally (cross your fingers) on the mend. P's been ill since Saturday, with a sore throat and cough that won't budge. He refuses to admit he's sick enough to see a physician. Amazingly, through it all, I've managed to sit butt in chair and make progress through my latest draft of KM.

Shriner's Hospital for E today where we meet with a new neurologist. Somehow, we've managed without one for a couple of years, relying on the expertise of our neurosurgeon instead.

The fact that we're going at all is proof our family's finally left the bunker mentality we had for so many years. Instead of reacting to most everything in our lives, we've had the luxury in recent months of digging through reams and piles of projects we set aside to deal with "once things settle down."

Finding and making an appoinment with a new neurologist is one such task. Organizing my writing space and writing projects is another. Curious how the more organized I get on the outside, the more energized and oentered I feel on the inside, especially where my characters are concerned.

Current read:
Book 7 of Darren Shan's Cirque du Freak vampire series. I started the books over Christmas break. Wow, no wonder these books are so popular with kids. This author can write!

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