Wednesday, June 04, 2008

This and That and Words in the Woods

1. E report: After her test last Wednesday, E stayed overnight at the hospital just as a precaution. She didn't sleep very well that night thanks to a colicky baby in the room next door. Thursday, she was so tired after she came home, she ate lunch, crawled into bed, giggled and slept until dinner time. A week later she's doing great, and relieved she won't need surgery any time soon.

2. Crit group report: J, A and I met today. The kids are out of school now; so between J's kids and mine (including E's service dog Jewel), the house was a bit crazed at times. Re my creative, I heard enough to know I'm still on the right track with my new revised opening scene. Assignment upon leaving: cut the scene down to one page by next Wednesday, setting the stage for the adventure to come. Sharpening my pencil.

3. Thinking about: the presentation for the ILA meeting in September, and that fact that J and I need to make decisions soon about what to say and how to say it re the teen writers group we host monthly at the Orland Public Library.

4. Getting excited about: the Words in the Woods retreat. Opted out of a critique from one of the guest speakers in order to take advantage of open mic in which a designated person will read first pages while the honored guests (editors/agents) will be in attendance. Haven't yet decided what "first page" to submit. I'd be lying if I said I felt no pressure about what to select.

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