Friday, January 05, 2007

The Year of the Writer: A Look Back Before I Look Forward

All in all 2006 was a good year. I bless God and the Powers that Be that somehow, despite the need for P and I to shepherd our middle daughter through neurosurgery, our youngest through her fears about her sister's health, and our oldest through the drama of college acceptances and surviving her first semester away from home, I managed to keep writing a priority long enough to:

*take an online YA writing class.
*make major breakthroughs on KM, enough that I can actually envision finishing it quicker than Tolkien's 15-year plan.
*draft a ghost story for consideration in an anthology.
*attend C's Fabulous Sooke Writer's Retreat in British Columbia.
*draft an essay for Special Gifts: Women Writers on the Happiness, the Heartache and the Hope of Raising a Special Needs Child (Wyatt-Mackenzie, 2007), and learn I will be published this year in the same.
*become a regular contributor to Edge of the Forest children's literature monthly.
*join its editorial board.
*slog through yet another draft of KM, thanks in large part to twice-monthly critique group meetings with J and A, fellow fantasy writers extraordinaire, who know how to listen and read, and, more importantly, know how to keep me honest.
*present two workshops about endowed objects, those ordinary objects in children's literature that rise up to do extraordinary things on the stage of a story.
*attend SCBWI-Illinois' Prairie Writer's Day, and provide PR support behind the scenes for the same.
*blog regularly.
*read, read and read some eclectic mix of YA, chicklit, chapter books, easy readers, picture books, bodice rippers, mysteries, and fantasy novels.
*ring out the old year feeling like a writer.

Most recent read: New Moon by Stephenie Meyer.

Current read: Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden.

Coming soon: One Writer's Resolutions

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