Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Writing Breakthroughs, Hummingbirds, and Critique Group

Critique group meets tomorrow. After E's most recent illness (she was sick the weekend before last and part of last week), I'm looking forward to adult time, the chance to spy the last hummingbirds of the season in J's garden, and, of course, feedback on my most recent KM chapters.

I've been a writing maniac lately, racing through this current rewrite in record personal speed. Some of the contributing factors:

1. I've written and rewritten this puppy so many times from so many points of view that it was just plain time.

2. I've been told there's something about the well water we drink in town.

3. And, on a more serious note, I'm convinced the myriad puzzle pieces of this project finally came together after taking Dennis Foley's Plotting the Novel class.

Whatever the reason, I bless it and raise a cyber glass of wine (one I've been chilling for the time I finally pulled KM out of this proverbial rut).

Here's to the process and my muse. (It's bloody well time!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Raising a glass with you, Kim!
