Thursday, April 15, 2010

When 3,000 is Not a Word Count

Nope. Three thousand is not the number of words I wrote today. Nor is it the amount of money we're getting back from the IRS. Three thousand minus a few tens is the number of miles I drove E last year to her various doctors and therapy appointments. No wonder finding uninterrupted butt in chair time was such a challenge.

And yet, somehow last year I...

1. Managed to write an entire novel during NaNoWriMo in November.
2. Joined a fab online critique group that helped me stay focused by helping me set deadlines, and by providing honest, inspiring and insightful feedback.
3. Cranked out a series of articles for Family Time magazine.
4. Led multiple writing workshops for teens.
5. Established a presence on Facebook.
6. Connected with like-minded writers through Romance Writers of America and SCBWI.

And then of course I depended on what's become my mantra of sorts: Patience. Persistence. Perseverance. And lots of prayer.

1 comment:

Michelle Sussman said...

I know the feeling after we had four surgeries in our immediate family in nine months as well as two sprained ankles. There was also tons of physical therapy involved.

I, too, felt like I got nothing done. But I wrote my first complete novel and a terrible first draft of its sequel during NaNo. I wrote my first SCBWI column and a slew of parenting articles.

And, I joined an awesome online critique group too. ;-)

Thanks, Kim, for making me look back at what I did accomplish instead of thinking about what I didn't. You're always so positive and it rubs off on those around you. :-)